Notes to Notes

Date and Time: Monday & Tuesday, August 18 & 19, 8:30am–5:00pm Pacific Time

Location: Broad Stage Lobby (on-site only)

Enya Trenholm-Jensen, Senior Strategist, Gemic

Through the medium of music, this artistic intervention will transform verbal stories into visceral experiences, offering new ways to engage with existing research materials and practices. It will also work to reimagine how we employ both our human senses and our computational tools in the research context. Amidst the ongoing permacrisis we all inhabit, where sensitivity wanes and apathy threatens, this project will ask that you continue to listen and, crucially, continue to feel. After the conference, this artistic tool will be made accessible to the community, allowing anyone with an interest to engage with the piece and view their work through a new lens.

Enya is a Senior Strategist based in Gemic’s Berlin office. With her background in cognitive semiotics, visual anthropology and psychology, she strives to decode systems of signification—understanding their externalised manifestations in the wider world, and their internalised meanings in people’s everyday lives.