Video Confessions 2024

Date and Time: Multiple opportunities to confess during August 18–21

Location: Broad Stage Box Office

Created and presented by:

Susan Faulkner, Research Director, Intel Corporation

Video Confessions 2024 is an interactive installation inviting EPIC attendees to share their thoughts and unload their burdens. First appearing at EPIC in 2011 and 2012, Video Confessions provides a quiet space outfitted with a camera and microphone where provocative questions prompt EPIC-goers to share thoughts about the conference and their own ethnographic practice. It offers a way to reflect on where we’ve been, where we find ourselves now, and where we are headed. Past confessions will be available to view on a loop, and new confessions will be edited together and displayed on the last day of the conference.

Sue Faulkner is a Research Director in the Client Computing Group at Intel Corporation. She conducts in-depth qualitative research projects to understand people’s values, motivations, and relationships with technology to impact product development. Her research focuses on media creation and accessible computing. She has an MA in Documentary Film Production from Stanford University.